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Every woman is a work of art with her own set of experiences, talents, and purpose. In a world where societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards abound, women frequently seek external validation to feel worthy and beautiful.

Instead of trying to fit into society’s moulds, embrace your uniqueness and recognize that it is your uniqueness that sets you apart. In this article, we will look at the dangers of seeking external validation and how to break free from the never-ending cycle of seeking approval by turning your attention inwards.

1. You may develop a low self-esteem

When you depend on the approval of others, you base your self-worth on things that keep changing. As a result, negative feedback or criticism can easily shake your confidence.

Always seeking reassurance from others makes you feel unsure about your own value and makes it hard to build real self-confidence.

2. Authenticity Wanes

When you try to get approval from others, you might feel pressured to fit in with what society or others expect. You might end up doing things that go against who you really are, like how you dress, walk, or what you believe in.

This makes you lose your true self as you try to be accepted. Over time, you might forget what you really want, what you’re passionate about, and what you value the most. It can make you feel disconnected from your real identity.

3. Anxiety and stress may arise

The constant need for approval from others keeps you in a state of anxiety and stress all the time. You worry about being rejected or not accepted, which can make you feel inadequate.

What you might not realize is that this anxious mindset stops you from growing as a person and reaching your full potential.

4. Needy behaviour increases

When you seek validation from others, you start seeking their opinions more than trusting your own judgment. This can make you overly needy and seeking attention from others. Eventually, you might compromise your own boundaries just to please them.

5. Impaired decision making occurs

Relying on external validation can cloud your judgment when making choices. Instead of listening to your gut feeling or what you know is right, you let other people’s opinions influence you. This can lead to regrettable decisions and missed opportunities for personal growth.

6. Comparison with other women

If you keep seeking validation from others, you may start comparing yourself to other women or people who seem “prettier,” “better,” or “more successful.” This can lead to envy when others receive the validation you want, making you feel inadequate and resentful.

7. Constant emotional rollercoaster

External validation is temporary, and the good feelings you get from it don’t last long. So, you constantly seek approval to feel worthy, but it’s tiring and unsustainable.

Some days you’re happy because others approve of you, but other days you’re extremely sad when they don’t. You don’t know how to find strength within yourself, and whatever others throw at you, that’s what you ride on. It’s a sad place to be in.

Easy task for you: Keep a journal to document your accomplishments, moments of growth, and qualities that make you special. Reflecting on these will remind you of your worth when self-doubt arises.

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